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Crafty Christmas Market Artwork

So some of you might have caught a peak of my diary on social media and know I am a lucky lady. Out and about for most of December at some stella events, all of which I research before hand (usually). One thing I love seeing is the flyer artwork! as a designer these are always exciting; people’s take on Christmas can be so varied and fun. I have snapped a few for you to see and of course let you know about the markets they advertise.

This weekend is the Etsy Made Local weekend – where all over the UK markets will be occurring made up of Etsy makers. Each artwork is drawn up by one of the designers involved and I love the hand drawn results! There was so many to choose from I could only show you a few…

So wherever you are in the UK – an Etsy market isn’t far away; handy in making this weekend a crafty one. Buy independent and hopefully pick yourself up a flyer or two. If anyone can find me up a beautiful St Ives flyer by illustrator Katy Pillinger and pop it in the post you get extra brownie points & a massive thank you.

This weekend is a busy one – including The London Illustration Fair which I know isn’t a Christmas market but I just love the artwork for so couldn’t help including.

More artwork to come for December and if you have any amazing artwork or Christmas Markets not to be missed I am all ears.


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